Flex Arms to the Rescue

Flex Arms to the Rescue During COVID-19
How We are Bringing Innovation During a Crisis
What a whirlwind this year has been. By now, it would be difficult to consider a single person on the planet that hasn’t been affected by COVID-19 in some way. We offer our condolences and collectively grieve for the loss of loved ones many have experienced. We also believe that in the midst of hardship, there are those that are able to step up and bring innovation, love, and compassion to the world. It has been a privilege to be able to serve during this time. We think of the medical industry and the healthcare workers on the front lines and honor them as the true heroes. Our team at Moffatt Products is humbled by the opportunity we’ve had to help.
Saving Lungs with Ventilator Arms
As we now know, coronavirus greatly affects the lungs. Since the beginning of the pandemic, ventilators have been one of the last lines of defense against a patient succumbing to the disease. In order to provide comfort and optimal oxygen to the patient, the mask needs secure and reliable positioning. We are grateful that our vinyl-covered flexible arms have been a successful solution to mask positioning, providing comfort and care for COVID-19 patients around the globe. The healthcare workers trust the mask will stay in the exact place they want it. We are also glad that the flex arm is easily wiped-down and disinfected, benefiting the care facilities and patients.
Patients can Call their Loved Ones
A pandemic brings the necessity of patient isolation. This is a necessary practice that prevents further spread but can be heart-wrenching for the patient and their loved ones. Thankfully, the technology to video chat with friends and family has provided a little solace to those undergoing treatment or in skilled nursing facilities. It is not very comfortable (or even sometimes possible) for a patient to hold up a phone or a tablet, so mounting a device on a flexible arm has been a wonderful hands free solution. The flexible arm allows for optimal positioning for patients who are lying down or seated, preserving the connection with loved ones when they otherwise would be alone. We have been humbled by the stories our customers have shared about how our positioning arms have made video chats with family members possible.
Physicians Access Tablets more Easily
During this time, patients are not only needing to speak with loved ones but also their providers. Our customers have seen the benefits of mounting telehealth engagement screens on flexible arms. This allows physicians and health professionals to have both hands free, adjust the camera to eye-level and easily transport the system if it’s on a cart. It also protects more high-risk individuals from needing to risk leaving their home. Moffatt flexible arms have made a difference in this area during the pandemic, lightening the load for telehealth providers.
Safely Administer IVs with Line Manger
With patient beds filling up in COVID hot spots, a hospital bed needs to optimize care for the patient. At times patients may have many wires and IV lines attached to their body, always at risk for entanglement. It makes sense to solve this issue with a line manager that may be adjusted to the best position for all of the cords. During the pandemic, we’ve provided tens of thousands line management flex arms for hospital beds. It gives us joy knowing that nurses and nurse assistants may have a little less burden and that patients’ care is improved.
Prevent New Cases with Thermal Scanning
Prevention is a big goal for every country during a pandemic. One of many prevention strategies available for COVID-19 is thermal scanning. While there are now many options for purchasing this technology, there also is a need for mounting and positioning the scanners. A floor stand with a flexible arm provides the opportunity for a business, airport, or public location to both mount and position the scanner at exactly the right angle. We have provided safety shields for protection for in-person temperature checks and lab workers processing test samples. It’s been a great privilege to participate in prevention strategies.
We send a big thank you to our healthcare workers, essential workers, and public health professionals–your efforts cannot be matched. If you are a provider of medical devices or needing prevention strategies during the pandemic, please chat with one of our experts about how a flex arm may optimize your goals. We are here to help and pray you all stay safe!