We feel extremely lucky to get to come into work every day and collaborate with all kinds of folks to make innovative flex arm products. From med tech to industrial products to home goods, we learn something from every single person we work with. We don’t take for granted that you need to be surrounded by good people to create something great — and we have to say we’ve been really blessed in that regard.
Read More >>We love getting the opportunity with new clients on product design and development, especially in industries that we haven’t worked with before. We learn a ton from our clients, and hopefully, they learn something from working with us as well. Yellow Jacket provided us with that exact opportunity this year when they let us work on the AccuProbe IR Leak Detector.
Read More >>We at Moffatt Products have a few core values that we strive to emulate. We want to be positive, respectful people that show our clients how valuable they are to us — not just as clients, but also as people. We want to work with folks across a variety of industries, finding partners who value the same things that we do: hard work, well-made products, and innovation.
Read More >>We at Moffatt Products have a few core values that we strive to emulate. We want to be positive, respectful people that show our clients how valuable they are to us — not just as clients, but also as people. We want to work with folks across a variety of industries, finding partners who value the same things that we do: hard work, well-made products, and innovation.